Join Journalism 6th grade!!!!!!!!

Posted: September 28, 2011 by harrisjournalismstaff in Uncategorized

by: Tyler

6th grade YOU NEED TO JOIN JOURNALSM!!!!  You get to design the yearbook and write in the newpaper. If your good you get to have parties and get candy. It’s really fun and sometimes you get to have a party even when you have to work. You get to take pictures and get to get out of classes sometimes. You can talk all you want and you are on the computer pretty much the whole class time.  I bet it will be the funnest class you have every day. So 6th Grade SIGN UP FOR JOURNALSIM!!!!!!

  1. Bratie says:

    How do we sign up?

  2. Emma Kosbab says:

    Ya i can’t wait till second tri when I get bo be on the staff

  3. Anonymous says:

    you have to wait until it is time to choose your electives for 7th grade. i think it was kinda at the end of the year.

  4. Kaylee says:

    YAY cant wait till LAST TRI allong time 😦

  5. Kitten man 606 says:

    YOU HAVE TO WAIT TELL NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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